Facebook アプリのレビュー


あるはずのコメントが全然表示なかったり、ちょっと使いづらいな。一体、毎度何をアップデートしてるんだろう? それと、デバイスを変えると表示内容が全然違うのもどうなのかな?






あまりに容量がひっ迫してたので、確認したらFacebookデータ部分だけで7GB 何を保存しているのでしょうか?



Unquestionable bullying

I am a white southern straight male. Nuff said. Every other person that is the opposite of what I mentioned myself as, has a safe space with facebook. A ten year user, I would like to share this experience with you. Fb has become a breeding ground of hate against peaceful people such as myself. Anti white/male/straight posts are popular and accepted. Sex act jokes of animals, fam members, and racist jokes against my kind are normal, and when reported... nothing wrong. Yet if I say I am proud of anything I mentioned, I am a racist nazi with hitler face tattoos. “I like being myself” will result in 1-30 day bans and banning cannot be questioned. I came off a 30 day ban for defending a black woman against attacks from a homosexual team that disagreed with her old fashioned views of marriage... she also said that fam/friends who were gay, had no problem... she didnt want to be pressured into sexual innuendos by gays... she was called everything from monkey to spear chucker, and called too ugly to attract gays, they shared pictures of her kids and called her job to harass her as homophobe... she lost her job... i reported them and received “nothing goes against our policy” several times... i stood up for her and was attacked by this team. Pictures of my family were shared and made fun of with so much anti white male jokes were abundant... no action by fb. I called one guy a f*g, and didnt use any other cuss word... immediate 30 day ban. I used my other account for a month, for business and connecting with friends and family back home because I am a veteran still abroad... after my ban... many people asked me what happened... when I explained what happened... the comment was reported and i received another 30 day ban. No chance to defend or anything. People messaged my other account.. and i gave them a screen shot of fb telling me about my ban... this screenshot was reported and my business account was banned for 24 hours... after that ban I came back and was answering messages from my church, and received a 3 day ban from the same screen shot being reported. After my bans are up, I will keep my account active for business and family/friends. But I can no longer be part of this actively... if ppl other than myself were treated the same way, then maybe I could find error in my ways... But “why do white people f*ck their relatives?, why do white people smell like homeless wet b*tch dogs?, why do cr*ckers deserve to die?” Is acceptable and when reported, are never against policy... but my response, “why do black people smell weird?” Is the most racist thing ever posted in the world? Pictures of uncensored sex acts, gay and straight, are accepted... and a pic my wife took of me waking up and my pajamas revealed a little plumber butt at the top of my pajamas was sexually explicit? If you decide to use this app, please use caution... you will receive non stop ads and messages from cat fish fake pretty girl profiles full of porn... and when you report, you will receive a message that nothing is wrong.... but if your Japanese name (on Japanese profiles) is in a different language than that viewed on the usa one... you will be banned.


きちんと状況説明をしたら即座に対応してくれた。 大抵の運営って定形文の自動返信だから実は期待していなかったのにFacebookって凄い。 ウェブにも情報が少なくて困っていたけれど、同様の方は いつ、どこで、どのブラウザでといった記録とスクリーンショットなどで冷静に考えて行動してみてください。










動き悪いわ!!!全く使えないアプリだねwwwwwww なんとかしろよ!ハゲが!!!


アップデートしたら起動しなくなった。 フェイスブックによって親戚達とより身近に接することができる大切なツールなので改善して頂きたい。


他の方々もおっしゃっている通り、顔写真というのに何か問題があるのでは? 認証方法見直しを早急に求めます


iPhone Xに対応してないのか? コメント欄消えて無くなってるし 対応願います



Bad updated vesion

It automatically escapes when Im surfing. Im using iphone 6 ios 9.2.1. Please fix it as soon as possible






iphone6s アップデートしてから、 ページをスライドしていると、 落ちます。 早急な改善希望!

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