I keep getting a notification but when I go to it its not a new notification
Now get notifications 5 minutes past later than when I originally got a comment or a "like"
Please get rid of the share button or at least make it optional I have people who share my personal posts and I dont want them too
When I get a notification Ill click on it and it does NOTHING
Crashes out of nowhere
Still really slow
Still uses up to much battery and phone space
Its ridiculous the problems cant be fixed!
Can no longer go on my profile and look at my posts cause nothing but 1 or 2 posts shows up
What happened to privacy I want to go back to the old Facebook privacy settings when there was no share button when commenting on something it didnt show up on friends news feed and friends only could message you
Pictures dont load anymore
Videos freezes up while on wifi
Lin2915 about
Facebook, v84.0