Facebook allowed Sexually Explicit Comments to be made toward me
You - Facebook - allowed sexually explicit comments directed toward me to stand regarding - and I am only quoting - 3 individuals having said to me 1) I need “penetrating” 2) I need an “organism” and 3) I need a “blow job”. You let these vulgar remarks stand after I had reported them to you. I called Our Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and our Attorney General Lori Swanson and reported your violations of policy toward me. I may indeed file legal criminal charges against you Facebook - as well as charges in regards to Cambridge. It is now day 28 of you blocking me from sharing posts from my newsfeed and notifications. I can only share from outside web sources. The MN attorney general has sent you 4 letters regarding your discrimination (I have made over 600 reports since July 2017) and your continued blocking. Removing my reviews. Retaliation. And you have yet to respond to our MN government offices.
ownership of failure about
Facebook, v163.0