Why is it I can only stay on the fb app for 5-10 minutes before it shuts down on me ?
Why is it I can only stay on the fb app for 5-10 minutes before it shuts down on me ?
each update it seems like you want to push customers away from your product with your apps degrading quality
change the comment format back. stop making comments look like text conversations.
Well besides the redundant idea to separate facebook and chat into a different app they then decided to make the experience even worse by putting ad mid way of every facebook video instead of before an after. On top of that constantly asking me for my number when I dont want facebook to have it is starting to get a little creepy. Im beginning to hate the app more and more with every update.
The app crashes and freezes up. Doesnt show my notifications correctly. Does not update my notifications. Does not load the page and the sort on the news feed doesnt appear all the time. The sound does not work. It will start with sound then there is no sound. The videos cant be clicked on. There are so many problems with this new update. And why is this app taking up so much room?
Facebook needs to have a setting where you can set up a way where people cannot share your stuff without asking permission. I hate that just anyone on your friends list can share you pictures without asking.
Umm why did some IOS users get the update with the color palate with posting a status and others did not!!! Fix it!!
I am very very disappointed because yall got rid of the share button on Facebook why yall do that!! ? I am so mad I wanted to share some post to my friends!
Youve gotten better, Book of Faces. But since online now has the cool picture statuses, can we get them on the iOS? Please make the shopping tab an option, but a whole thing. Please also make it easier for more resent.
Scrolling thru the home page works well, but if I search for a specific person/page, FB shuts down completely. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling, but now I get a "cant update this app at this time" and it wont reinstall. Just so frustrated with the app, but maybe its a blessing in disguise.
It takes up a lot of memory and the only option for your timeline is top stories. I dont want to see stuff from yesterday.
I hate this app bec too many many ads or suggest video or suggest post or suggest edits or suggest app ... all of ads I wish removed all of ads make crashes fb and many many ads make slow on fb and PLS REMOVED TOO MANY MANY STUPID ADS ????????????? ... OH MY GOD
The notifications are staying on!! You open up the notification and close it and it still looks like you have a notification. Videos are freezing!! Fix this ASAP ????????
I absolutely hate the new update! The comments are so hard to read and hurt my head I dont even want to you it ? please change it
Why the text bubbles under the comments, not necessary! Why do we need two apps to use Facebook (Facebook/messenger) this is crazy!
I keep getting a notification but when I go to it its not a new notification Now get notifications 5 minutes past later than when I originally got a comment or a "like" Please get rid of the share button or at least make it optional I have people who share my personal posts and I dont want them too When I get a notification Ill click on it and it does NOTHING Crashes out of nowhere Still really slow Still uses up to much battery and phone space Its ridiculous the problems cant be fixed! Can no longer go on my profile and look at my posts cause nothing but 1 or 2 posts shows up What happened to privacy I want to go back to the old Facebook privacy settings when there was no share button when commenting on something it didnt show up on friends news feed and friends only could message you Pictures dont load anymore Videos freezes up while on wifi
Ok. Comfortable !
Bad app. Lots of problems. Very difficult to have business Facebook pages and run them professionally with all the problems this app has. The pages app is even worse.
So Ive had Facebook for awhile and the app is pretty good, but I recently got the new update. The update made all comments appear in bubbles like in messenger. Its really weird, no one else I know has it.
Its wack....my videos wont play the sound nor maximize to the whole screen...please fix this